Yoshié Otake

RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics, Japan

Professor Yoshié Otake is the team Leader of Neutron Beam Technology Team, RAP, as well as the president of Technology Research Association Neutron next generation System, T-RANS. She had conducted search for neutron EDM with crystal technique and neutron interferometry research at ILL and Kyoto Univ., became a RIKEN researcher from 1996. She started developing accelerator-driven compact neutron sources (CANS) from 2009, and concentrate on the development and up-grade of RANS (RIKEN accelerator-driven compact neutron source) as team leader and successfully developed neutron scattering imaging techniques and salt detection in the large scale structures for non-destructive observation of such infrastructures as bridges, highways. Currently, RANS, RANS-II are operational, RANS-III and RANS-μ are under development. Some of her recent awards include The Academic Award of the Japanese Society for Neutron Science (The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Neutron Science, Awarded, October 26, 2022), “Development of Nondestructive Inspection Techniques for Infrastructure Structures Using Cf and Compact Accelerator Neutron Sources,” Grand Prize (18th Radiation Process Symposium Poster Session, November 16, 2021), and Annual Paper Encouragement Award: “Neutron Imaging Study of the Influence of Blast Furnace Slag Powder on Moisture Penetration Properties in Concrete,” (Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 43, No. 1, July 7-9 (2021) pp. 101-106, July 7, (2021)).

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