“Neutron Technologies” LLC was established in 2018 in Gatchina, Leningrad region, Russia.

It is a company with great development prospects and experience related to manufacturing and implementation of engineering developments into production.
Areas of our activities:

- spraying of mirror and super-mirror reflective coatings; complete cycle of glass substrates production;

- production of neutron guides of various geometries and components for neutron optics of different levels of complexity;

- production of research equipment and its components: flippers and components for magnetic systems, neutron monochromators based on single crystals, neutron polarizers and analyzers, high-pressure cells;

- production of detectors for thermal neutrons (linear gas-discharge position-sensitive counters, multi-wire proportional gas chambers, monitor-profilometers, neutron counters based on ZnS:6LiF(Ag) scintillator);

- production of signal readout electronics and signal processing electronics.

- production of manufacture of equipment for cold neutron sources and unique solutions for cryogenic pipelines.

Distinctive Features of “Neutron Technologies” LLC:

RS is one of the earliest manufacturers of neutron detection equipment and has always been an industry leader in the fields of neutron scattering, safeguards and homeland security.- own sputtering facility;

- own research and production base for the development and testing of equipment;

- experience in manufacturing of scientific and technical products used in physics research instruments;

- experience in project implementation from the development of design documentation to the finished product;

- experience in the production of neutron guides and components of physical installations for the reactor complex PIK NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - PNPI.

AOCNS2023 Office

Address: 1 Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang, Dongguan ,Guangdong 523000, China. Tel: 86-769-89156326